grey marble

March 8, 2004

Dr. Jones Dr. Jones, Calling Dr. Jones

I just made an appointment for a physical. I haven't seen a doctor in almost four years. D. tells me that people are usually methodical when they choose a new doctor. They ask for referrals from friends, check on references. I chose the first doctor on a list of doctors near my office. She has the same last name as a family friend.

The last doctor I visited only for immunization. I was planning a six month trip through Southeast Asia and wanted to see what shots I needed. I chose him at random out of a book of in-network doctors. After the first round of shots, he asked me if I knew he was a specialist in vaccinations and travel medicine. He had practiced in Africa and was current on all the necessary vaccinations for travelling in third world countries. I told him no, that I just liked his name when looking through a list. He smiled and said he'd see me next week.

(Wake up, now) Posted by eku at March 8, 2004 2:10 PM

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