April 27, 2004A situation in DamascusE.W. just im'd me about explosions in Damascus. Early reports state that a band of "terrorists" set off bombs near the Iranian embassy, in front of the British ambassador's house and the Saudi Arabian embassy. Syrian security forces apprehended one "terrorist" and killed three. It gives me pause when I consider Damascus, but looking at the map, the area of town where the explosions took place are far from where I'd want to visit. Still, I thought about skirting around the city. I'm hoping it's a localized event and the government will have it under control. I'll have to monitor the situation from the road.In other news, T.K. put me in touch with a friend of his who's flying into Beirut on Thursday. She's a photojournalist working out of the Middle East. She's planning on staying in the city for a month. We're planning on dinner after she gets in. Posted by eku at April 27, 2004 5:15 PM | ||||