The MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour with E.W.
Coming back from the Sunshine supermarket, E.W. im'd me to tell me he was going to be on the MacNeil Lehrer News hour. It was ten till seven; the show starts at seven. I searched for a tape and put it in just as the show began. The anchor ran down the lead stories. And then, "More on Iraq later, with New York Times correspondant E.W." Moments later my mother called. "E.'s on T.V.," she said. I called J.L.; she turned on the T.V. and there he was. I called L.M.W.; she was stuck at work. But she im'd E. with my running commentary. J.L. im'd me later and told me a friend of hers had seen it and called her. The phone lines buzzed.
Posted by eku at April 21, 2004 7:22 PM