grey marble

July 1, 2004

Early music memories

A few nights ago David R. asked me when I became aware of music as more than something that played in the background. I told him it was when I first heard "Private Eyes" by Hall and Oats. The album became the first I bought. But thinking back, I remember listening to an oldies station on an orange portable radio. The song that awakened me to the world of music was by the Young Rascals. I listened every day waiting to hear "Good Lovin'," which they would play without fail. I still pause when flipping through stations if I hear the song. Waiting for the call and answer of the verse, the harmonies of the chorus. And during the organ solo, I find my hands playing along on the nearest surface in syncopated rhythm. Posted by eku at July 1, 2004 12:50 AM

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