July 12, 2004Full CircleIt's been raining most of the day; it's raining still. It's been a productive day. Another series of events occurred today as a result of Oliver Wang's linking to me.Hua im'd me to tell me that a friend of his (Jeff Chang) was interested in talking to me about designing his site. He had found me through Oliver's blog. Jeff's book Can't Stop Won't Stop is coming out in the fall. When I asked Hua who the publisher is, he told me it was my old company, St. Martin's Press. I called David and asked who was working on it. He didn't know and told me it hadn't been finished yet. Later Oliver called me and told me that it being designed by friend of his named Brent Rollins, who had worked on Ego Trip, and also told me that Oliver is the hub around which these connections have been built. He also told me that Henry, my former boss, was guiding the book jacket. Posted by eku at July 12, 2004 4:49 PM | ||||