grey marble

August 12, 2004

A pure person

This morning I dreamt I was at a high school reunion in the mountains. Snow was in the air. None of my close friends seemed to be in evidence. The first two people I saw were Jennifer and Diana, whom I haven't seen since our ten year reunion. They were talking to each other and as I approached, Paula intercepted me. We talked about relationships and then I don't remember what happened.

The reunion was at a ski lodge. Somehow, Ed and Jean and Mary were staying nearby and I remember trying to get a hold of them. They did not attend my high school. The only other person I remmeber talking to is Lauren. Somehow I ended up walking down a flight of stairs to find her seated in the lobby, which then became her room. I was looking for Paula to continue our conversation. She had asked me to find her when we were separated for various activities, none of which I remember.

I remember walking back from the events as a slight snow was falling. I felt like I was in Hokkaido. I might have been looking for Shu Qi. Last night Kit sent me a present. It was a song from the soundtrack of Millenium Mambo, Lim Giong's "A Pure Person." It's now on repeat play. Posted by eku at August 12, 2004 4:18 PM

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