grey marble

August 6, 2004

House arrest

I'm late for dinner. I was going to be late already, but now I'm going to be very late. I finished dressing, put on my shoes, grabbed my bag, and turned the doorknob. It squeaked. The door didn't open. I turned the doorknob again. It squeaked, but nothing happened. I locked and unlocked the door and turned the knob. It squeaked. That's when I realized the doorknob wasn't working. The knob turns but the mechanism doesn't.

I called Tara to see if she could open the door from the outside, but she wasn't home. I called Teru to tell him I would be late. He asked if he could send provisions. At least I still had the internet, he said. I called the superintendent. "You're inside the apartment?" he asked. Yes, I told him. And I can't get out. "Give me fifteen minutes," he said. I guess there's always the fire escape . . . Posted by eku at August 6, 2004 8:52 PM

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