grey marble

December 16, 2004

Spidey specials

Ben came by last night. He was in town for a presentation at the Samsung store in Columbus Circle. I didn't know Samsung had stores.

This morning we had breakfast at the Moondance Diner, around the corner from me. I haven't been there in years. The diner has a cameo in the first Spiderman movie. It's the place Mary Jane is fired from as she runs into Peter Parker on the street. I mentioned this to Ben as we walked there. He asked if they had done it up afterwards. I said I didn't know.

Once we saw the menus we knew. There were Goblin wraps and Spidey burgers and Spidey specials. The cover had the webslinger clinging to a wall over a nighttime illustration of New York. Red superhero type welcomed us to brunch. Posted by eku at December 16, 2004 12:56 PM

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