grey marble

November 1, 2005

All hallow's eve

Last night Henry threw his first party at his new apartment. It was a housewarming slash Halloween party. I dressed as the man with one red shoe. I wore one red shoe.

Apparently, no one remembers this apparently little seen Tom Hanks comedy gem. Apparently, it was terrible. I never saw the film. I just remembered the commercials.

The apartment was nice, the view was fantastic. I had told myself I wasn't going to eat sweets, but then saw the inside out peanut butter cups and the Billy's bakery cupcakes and I ended up eating and eating. The ginger beer was super tasty, and the wine was good.

I left around ten to look for Pia. She had gone to the parade. She didn't respond to my call, but im'd me when I had returned home. I asked her how the parade was. She said it sucked. She couldn't see a thing.
recently watched: + Sometimes in April
Posted by eku at November 1, 2005 9:16 AM

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