I've wanted a Holga for a while, but never quite got around to getting one. There's something about the nostalgic nature of the frame, and the opportunity to shoot in a square format that made me want to see what images I could make with one.
A few weeks ago, Jackson was kind enough to give me one of his. He showed me how to load the film, how to tape up the frame, and how to meter for its limited shutter speed and aperture settings. Since then, it's become my camera of choice.
The images here are all previously posted on carte blanche pedicure, but I wanted a space in which to collect just the Holga shots, since they share a similarity my other photographs may not.
To navigate, use the boxes below. You can also click on an image to go to the next. There's no order to the shots. Feel free to contact me by clicking on my name in the lower right hand corner. Last update 3.18.2004.