It's been a long-time coming, but I've finally redesigned 226. I'll move the old site somewhere on the server and link to it so people who are curious can see what it used to look like, but that will take a little doing. I've streamlined the new site somewhat and edited down the content. Things might be a little wonky for a few days (especially on these blog pages) as I try to clean up the css and move things around, so please bear with me.
Some may notice that I've removed the photography area of this site. I've decided to separate out my photography, which can now be found at Fotokuo. However, I'll link back out to some of the old projects as far as they reflect the design I've done on them. I'll also set up link forwarding so that former links won't break after I reorganize my directories.
As far as this blog, I'm planning to have it be a place where I can write about my projects and the things that interest me, including links to work I admire or enjoy. In a way, it'll be the continuation of shall we dansu, which I'll probably retire. I didn't want to just import all the content from that blog, however; I wanted to see what voice this blog might develop going forward. We'll see how things evolve. In the meantime, thanks for visiting during this soft launch period. And if you have any thoughts on the redesign, please leave a comment.
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