Design of the Design Observer iPhone app completed in collaboration with Small Planet Digital. Final designs are exhibited in the completed app, available from the iTunes store.
Branding and design of a new online music magazine and mp3 blog aggreagator. Initial blog aggregator has launched, but the bulk of the site remains in production.
Art direction and design of various projects for, including a complete site redesign, an iPhone app, and an online application to allow media partners to curate content for use in their own publications.
Art direction and design of writer Jeff Chang's personal home on the web. The site seeks to house all of his written work under one roof, containing links to his articles and books along with a blog.
Initial sketches and completed designs for for the vehicle showroom. The flash application was completed as part of the redesign. Completed under contract to Avenue A / Razorfish.
Prototype designs of an online video player allowing users to control all of their media assets, both stored on their computer and recorded from their set-top box. Completed under contract to frog design.
Art direction and design of an educational game portal. Children log in to follow their progress as they complete games that test their math and verbal skills. Completed under contract to frog design.
Redesign of CT corporation's web site and designs for CT Advantage, an online application providing corporate compliance resources and soutions. Completed under contract to frog design.
Art direction and design of a photography portfolio designed for, well, me. The site contains documentary and travel projects completed over the past ten years, primarily in the middle and far east.
Art direction and design of an online resource introducing high school atheletes to interested colleges. Designs include revised branding. Completed under contract to Moment.
Art direction and design of a promotional area on the BT corporate website introducing BT as a thought leader in their field. Completed under contract to IconNicholson.
Design sketches for fashion label Ports 1961's web site. Designs centered around their location-based approach to develop concepts for each line. Completed under contract to CreateThe.