Three days after Simone's son was born, she invited me to visit her in the hospital. I sat with her, her husband, and her mother as the baby was passed around from mother to son to grandmother. At times his face looked already wizened, as if his hours had passed like years.
I stayed for a few hours, perhaps three, taking photos while she told me about this birth, comparing it to the birth of her first child, a daughter. She had had a cesarian section, and I didn't want to tire her. After her mother and husband left, I quietly took my leave. She would return home the next day.
The other day, while visiting her for the first time at home after seeing her at the hospital, she graciously allowed me to post the photos on my photography site.
hey, nice fotos o brb. hope u'r well, i'm in deadline hell. will talk more when i'm done here. any plans for holidays?
miss chatting w/u.
yeah! i miss hanging and talking with you too! i hope we'll catch up soon! come visit New York over Christmas! I have an empty room until Jan!